Wednesday, 19 October 2011

B71 #102: Lunch on Nov 16, 2011

(Attendance list updated 6 November 2011)

from Chiu Ying Lam
to Man Wan So

date 29 September 2011

subject BSc 1971 lunch, Wed 16 November

Dear BSc 1971 classmates,

In 1971 we graduated from HKU. By this time of the year in that year, some of us started working, some continuted studying in HK or overseas, some emigrated and got married, some changed course and started anew in another academic field, and some pursued their dreams in their own ways.

It has been forty years since. Maybe it is time to reflect as we move into another phase of our life.

Those are grand words. Let us commemorate the 40th anniversary of graduation in a more down to earth manner.

I propose a long lunch on Wednesday 16 November. Ho Sui Ki has kindly offered to organize the lunch at the Craigengower Cricket Club 紀利華木球會(at the junction of Leighton Road 禮頓道 and Wong Nei Chong Road 黃泥涌道).

Those who have retired are invited to come early at 12 noon. Those who are still working may come later and leave earlier. I imagine that we could hold onto the table(s) beyond 2 p.m.

I understand that Grace & William Ho (from Scotland) and Grace Leung (from Australia) will be back in Hong Kong then. The lunch promises to be an interesting time.

Spouses and children are welcome.

As usual the cost of the meal will be shared out among the attendees.

Those who intend to join the lunch please notify Man Wan at . You may simply press "reply to all".

Chiu Ying


Participants as at 6 November:

* Lam Chiu Ying & So Man Wan
* Grace & Billy Tao
* Grace & William Ho
* Peter Chung
* Edward Sin
* Daniel Ho
* Lam Hung Biu
* Leung Wing Hong
* Choi Ho Pang (x2)
* Wu Dick Kin
* Leung Sze Chung
* Clara Fung
* David Yam
* Lo Mun Ling
* Cheung Foon Hung (x2)
* Leung Wing Kwong
* Yau Man Tak